Sims, John: Curtis's Botanical Magazine; or Flower-Garden displayed: in which The most ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately represented in their natural Colours. To which are added,...

Sims, John: Curtiss Botanical Magazine; or Flower-Garden displayed: in which The most ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately represented in their natural Colours. To which are added,...
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Sims, John: Curtiss Botanical Magazine; or Flower-Garden displayed: in which The most ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately represented in their natural Colours. To which are added,...
Sims, John: Curtiss Botanical Magazine; or Flower-Garden displayed: in which The most ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately represented in their natural Colours. To which are added,...
Sims, John: Curtiss Botanical Magazine; or Flower-Garden displayed: in which The most ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately represented in their natural Colours. To which are added,...
Sims, John: Curtiss Botanical Magazine; or Flower-Garden displayed: in which The most ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately represented in their natural Colours. To which are added,...
Sims, John: Curtiss Botanical Magazine; or Flower-Garden displayed: in which The most ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-House, and the Stove, are accurately represented in their natural Colours. To which are added,...
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Art.Nr.: 72507


...Their Names, Class, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according to the celebrated Linnaeus; their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering; Together with the most approved Methods of Culture. A Work Intended for the Use of such Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gardeners, as wish to become scientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate. By John Sims, M. D., Fellow of the Royal and Linnean Societies. Vol. XLIII. Being the First of the New Series., London: Printed by Stephen Couchman; Published by Sherwood, Neely, & Jones. 1816, Leder mit Rückengoldprägung., Unpag
Vorderdeckel lose, sonst sehr gutes Exemplar mit den schön kolorierten Tafeln
Mit 90 (davon 7 gefalt.) kolorierten Kupferstichtafeln.

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